Bride of the Revolution Read online

Page 22

  The three men were his friends, one the son of Veranti and they, too, were naked, their cocks stiff and upright. Ignoring them, Peli pushed his dusky middle finger between the plump flesh folds, sighing with pleasure as it sank into smooth silkiness such as he had never known in a woman. The moist flesh sucked at his finger, much as a child’s mouth would suckle a nipple. She smiled at him and, with his free hand, he stroked his cock. He had reason to be proud of his organ. It was thick and ebony black, much darker than the tawny skin of his face and torso. It throbbed under his touch and he stroked the skin back from the swell of his globe.

  ‘She is one of Lord Albert’s whores,’ growled Veranti’s son, whose nickname was Mule, for the hugeness of his shaft.

  Peli heard the girl gasp as she strained her neck backwards, making her breasts pout upwards as she looked at Mule and at the length that speared up from his groin.

  ‘Maybe she is,’ agreed Peli, lifting the fine gold breast chain and watching how the pink nipples rose to follow his pull. But the girl didn’t whimper or complain as many would. She remained stoically silent. ‘But she is beautiful and her quim oozes silken fluids, beckoning me.’

  ‘My father says Lord Albert’s women do not enjoy sex unless it is accompanied by smacking,’ said Mule. His cock jerked and throbbed, lifting to his waist.

  ‘Or whipping with leather,’ said another of Peli’s friends, whose name was Banu. He had a length of leather, blackened by age and wide as the cock he stroked with it. The leather was supple and thin, and Peli reckoned it to be from the workbench in his caravan where he made simple sandals.

  ‘Or caning,’ said the third, Ricco, who held a birch twig, pale and stripped of its bark.

  ‘Is this true?’ asked Peli of the girl.

  She closed her eyes and turned her head away from him. A sudden anger made his face flush under his swarthy skin and his hand lashed out to smack the pale oval of her cheek.

  ‘Yes,’ she said at last, gazing up at him with eyes full of tears.

  He watched her cheek redden and could not help but feel sorry for his chastisement. She let her knees fall further open and her sex folds part yet further.

  ‘I am open and ready for you, master,’ she said meekly. ‘So long as you abide by your promise, I will do anything that pleases you.’

  ‘All of us?’ asked Ricco, who was small and wiry, unlike the other young men in the group who were muscled and tall. He knelt at the side of the girl and stroked the birch twig across her breasts. The green eyes turned upon him and Ricco felt a tightening in his groin, a drawing up of his balls. ‘Anything which pleases you, masters,’ she said.

  He rose to his feet and prodded the swell of a breast with his bare toe. ‘She isn’t a witch, is she?’ he asked, and the others laughed as he cupped his balls, letting the birch twig fall to the ground.

  Peli snatched it up. ‘No,’ he said, ‘she isn’t a witch.’ The twig was drawn across her sex and he switched it in the night air, making a whistling sound before bringing it down upon her belly.

  ‘You see!’ he cried in triumph. ‘Not a sound, but see how the weal appears on her skin. No, Ricco. She isn’t a witch.’

  ‘I am trained,’ said the girl, placing her hands behind her head and letting her knees drift flat upon the woodland floor. The young men stared at her fully open flesh pot and watched the weal across her belly darken to the colour of blood. ‘Trained to take pain and to give pleasure… Who will be first?’

  Banu prodded her hip with a foot, pushing her over until she lay on her belly, her bottom pouting up into the night. ‘There’s a sight that begs for a supple piece of shoe leather if ever I saw one. Open your legs, girl. You’ve been very open with us so far. Don’t spoil it now.’

  Keeping her hands at her head, her thighs splayed and her bottom slightly raised, the girl awaited the promised blows.

  ‘A smack or two with my hands first,’ said Mule, holding up palms as wide as dinner plates. ‘I don’t need any twigs or straps, I think you’ll agree.’

  ‘Do it!’ said Ricco.

  Banu smacked his piece of leather across his own palm while Peli softly smacked the birch twig against his muscular thigh.

  Mule sank to his knees and smoothed his huge palms over the milk-white hillocks. He allowed a thick finger to invade the crease between the two buttocks, and they all watched in awe as the finger was drawn into the depths of the girl’s bottom hole.

  ‘She does not object,’ grunted Mule, ‘and my finger…’

  ‘The smacking!’ reminded Banu.

  ‘Very tight,’ murmured Mule, as he drew his finger out of her bottom. ‘It grips delightfully.’ One of his big hands drew back and came down upon the offered buttocks. The smack resounded through the woods and as Mule drew back his hand the three young men watched the smacked flesh quiver under the force of the blow.

  ‘Oh, again!’ said Ricco, his eyes fixed upon the slight but rapid motion of the bottom mounds and the reddening flesh.

  ‘But with your other hand, Mule,’ said Banu, ‘which is fresh and full of power.’

  Peli bent over the girl and whispered in her ear. ‘Does it hurt?’

  Her head was hidden in the crumpled folds of the servant’s gown and her words were muffled. ‘It stings a little, master,’ she said.

  ‘Continue,’ said Peli.

  The sound of the smack was louder this time, and when Mule drew back his hand they saw the whole bottom glowed scarlet. He was about to administer another blow when Peli stopped him.

  ‘Let us see if it’s as they say,’ he said.

  Mule frowned, his hand resting on the heated flesh that trembled under his touch. ‘What do you mean?’

  Peli crouched again, his cock spearing upward from his groin, the veins pulsing and eager. ‘Allow me to feel within the girl’s sex, feel its wetness, the readiness.’

  Mule grumbled as he moved back to make way for Peli, who began to stroke at her ankles. He noticed the slight scarring of the skin where the anklets had been. The girl shuddered, but opened her thighs to their fullest extent. His fingertips trailed up the inner sides of her thighs and then his palms cupped her smacked bottom. He felt his cock throb and he wished with all his heart that his friends had not found them, that she was his alone. He felt the tightness of her bottom crease open and tickled her bottom hole with his fingertip. It was tight, but she seemed to take great pleasure in this place. ‘It is true,’ he said to the other three. ‘Lord Albert’s girls seem to delight in being smacked.’ The sticky wetness coated his hand as he used his palm to spread the plump lips. His fingers sank into satin flesh, which drew him in. It was made even more pleasurable by them being shaved to a silken smoothness. He groaned. If only he could just fling himself upon her just as she was and pump his come into her.

  ‘Let someone else take a turn,’ said Banu, his voice full of envy. He bent down and roughly pulled her head back by grasping a handful of hair with one hand. With the other he cupped a breast and flicked the pierced nipple. His face creased in a cruel grin as she winced at such outright cruelty. ‘Let me use my strap on her. That will tell us exactly how much she enjoys pain.’

  Reluctantly Peli stepped away from her, but Banu let the strap lie idle upon the ground as he opened the girls pouting sex folds. ‘All women should be shaven,’ he grunted, pressing the leaves open with his finger and thumb. The girl wriggled as he teased the inner lips open and kissed each soft wall of the pouch with the touch of a fingertip.

  ‘We’re testing for pain,’ reminded Peli coldly. He slid his fingers up and down the ebony shaft spearing up from his groin. He used his thumb to smear the drop of moisture that beaded at his globe. It would slide into her like silk, he thought.

  Banu scowled at Peli, but picked up the strap. ‘On the bottom only?’ he asked, looking down at the reddened hillocks.

>   ‘Where else?’ asked Peli impatiently. His groin felt tight and heavy. He had to have relief.

  Banu grinned and prodded her with his toe. ‘The belly will shudder nicely under the strap. The breasts, too.’

  ‘Just the bottom,’ said Peli firmly. He wanted this over. Wanted to take her and fuck her. Whether he fulfilled his promise to get her to France, that remained to be seen.

  Banu knelt at the girl’s side and drew back the strap, bringing it down again and again on the girl’s buttocks. He wanted to get some whimper from her, some cry of pain, Peli could tell, but she remained stoically silent, her bottom raised in offer and her sex posed in such a manner that the men could see the nubbin fully erect.

  ‘Nothing!’ said Banu in disappointment. ‘Not a sound.’

  ‘But look at her bottom!’ Ricco had picked up his cane and he prodded the mounds, which darkened beyond scarlet to dark wine colour. The girl mewed softly, and the sound was muffled as if she had dragged the gown into her mouth. Her hands were still clasped obediently upon her head. As one, the young men groaned.

  ‘What now?’ asked Peli. His impatience grew by the second. ‘We cannot beat her more. Her flesh will not take it.’

  ‘The belly,’ insisted Banu.

  ‘Yes, the belly,’ said Ricco, swishing the birch cane through the air. ‘And the breasts.’ He looked at Banu, who nodded agreement.

  Peli lifted the girl’s head by her hair, but although his action was rough, his expression was full of tenderness and sympathy. ‘You said you would allow anything,’ he reminded her.

  ‘Yes, master. Anything.’ Her voice was steady although her eyes glittered with unshed tears.

  He let her head fall. ‘Go ahead,’ he told Ricco. ‘A few strokes of the birch on the behind and then turn her over.’ He stood back, his arms folded. He did not dare touch his cock for fear he would not be able to hold back his pleasure.

  The birch made a fearsome noise as it was brought down. It was like the scream of a wounded animal. Peli noticed how soft the bruised buttocks were. The flesh enfolded about the thin birch twig, drawing it into her, becoming part of her, but only for a split second. Ricco drew it back and then down again. He did this many times and Peli could only stand there mesmerised that the girl could take such punishment without wailing for mercy.

  ‘Turn her over,’ he said at last.

  Ricco, his cock dripping with pre-issue, stared at Peli, his eyes glazed. At last he stretched out his leg, ready to prod her with his toes, but the girl rolled over of her own accord, hands still behind her head. Only then did she allow a tiny whimper as the stones and dead twigs on the forest floor pained her punished buttocks.

  She looked so slavish with her breasts chained and her mound shaven. Obediently, without being ordered, she splayed her legs, bending them a little at the knees to make the sex pouch open and available.

  Ricco drew back the birch, ready to smack the soft swell of her belly, but Peli grasped his wrist. ‘That’s enough,’ he said, and he threw the birch to the ground.

  ‘But you said…’ Ricco’s face was dark with anger.

  Peli grinned. ‘Now’s the time for pleasure after the pain.’

  ‘You mean we can fuck her?’ Mule caressed his organ with both hands.

  ‘Well, look for yourself,’ said Peli. The girl had arched her body and her sex was lifted from the ground in a delicious gesture of offer. He could see the bruised buttocks and wondered whether the gesture was simply to ease the pain of the rough ground upon the punished flesh.

  Banu slipped the leather strap into her open sex, rubbing the edge up and down the cleft. The leather was supple and he folded it into a tube. ‘Try this for size, little whore,’ he said, and spread the sex leaves as he fed the tube of leather into the girl’s creamy entrance.

  ‘See how she clutches,’ cried Banu.

  ‘Always a sign of a professional,’ murmured Ricco.

  Peli saw the girl’s cheeks flush with inner shame, but he also saw her part her lips, moistening them with the tip of her tongue. With a great roar Mule sank to his knees behind her head and thrust his huge organ between those irresistible lips. ‘Swallow,’ he grunted. ‘Swallow it all and do it pleasurably. No gagging.’

  ‘Take it out!’ ordered Peli. His breathing was fast and ragged and his cock was throbbing unbearably.

  ‘What?’ asked Mule, thrusting his hips, stretching the girl’s mouth. ‘You dare tell me what to do? A knife between the ribs is what you’re asking for.’

  ‘No, I mean Banu; I want her,’ said Peli. ‘I want her cunt.’ He pulled Banu from between her thighs and slipped the tube of leather from her sex. The black leather was beaded with her sap. He threw himself between her lifted and opened thighs and his hands trembled as he guided his cock into her.

  ‘Hey!’ cried Ricco. ‘What about us?’

  ‘You can wait your turn!’ said Mule, his big hands on his thighs. He grinned up at the two others, allowing his attention only to wander from the rhythmic sucking of the girl’s mouth.

  ‘No, one of us can have her,’ said Banu. He slithered beneath the girl’s lifted buttocks and spread them. He gave a low chuckle as he saw her tightly pleated bottom hole press out in invitation. He tickled it with a fingertip and felt it give delightfully. He pushed into it and felt his own hardness become even more rigid. With his hands upon her hips he pulled her down and brushed his globe against the little secret bud. ‘Ah…’ he groaned, as she gripped him in the delicious tightness.

  Peli could feel Banu’s cock enter the girl and this increased his own pleasure enormously. ‘Don’t come yet,’ he gasped to Banu. ‘This is too good to spoil by a short time.’

  ‘It is too good,’ grunted Banu. ‘I don’t think I can… She grips me so tightly. It is beautiful.’ To add to the glorious tightness he could feel the heat of the girl’s punished bottom on his belly. The heated flesh caressed him as much as her bottom caressed his cock. He felt the first wave of his orgasm and felt consumed by it. He groaned and pumped his spunk into the girl’s bottom.

  Peli knew then that he couldn’t hold on either. He had to give those last thrusts into the warmth of her vagina. She clutched him and he knew that she, too, was spiralling upwards in a vortex of pleasure. He rolled from her. ‘Your turn, Ricco,’ he panted.

  The girl looked up at him with yearning in her eyes, but she welcomed the young man, Ricco, enfolding him in her arms. Peli noticed how the girl clenched her thighs about the lad until he groaned.

  ‘She sucks me,’ sighed Ricco, ‘she draws my seed.’ He bucked in the girl’s clutches and Peli noticed that Banu was still beneath her, inserted within her bottom, and Mule was working his cock once more between her succulent lips.

  They had treated her badly, thought Peli. Her bottom must pain her, and yet she took Ricco as though he was a long lost lover, giving him pleasure such as he’d never had before.

  Ricco’s frantic movements stilled and he lay upon her, his hands clutching the softness of her breasts.

  ‘She has drained me,’ groaned Banu, and he pushed her from his body. The movement dislodged Ricco who growled his anger. Mule shook his still spurting cock and the pearly liquid sprayed the girl’s face. Peli saw her swallow and lap at the spillage around her parted lips.

  He helped her up and shook the leaves and twigs from her gown and settled it over her head. The girl turned away, her face red with shame, and used the ruined gown to wipe away the spillage from her chin and which ran down her legs.

  ‘Your promise?’ she whispered.

  ‘It will be kept,’ said Peli, dragging on his breeches.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Grace bowed her head unhappily, and even this slight movement caused her pain.

  ‘Oh, please let me go,’ she murmured. Her wrists were shackled between her legs.

/>   The man who watched over her spat onto the filthy floor of her prison. ‘Aristo!’ he hissed, and spat again.

  ‘But you don’t understand—’

  ‘We paysans understand only too well, little mistress,’ said the man, picking his teeth with the point of a sharp knife. He leaned against the rusty bars of her cell, grinning at her.

  Grace held back a murmur of pain. A further chain led from the manacles and parted the soft folds of her sex and the taut hillocks of her bottom.

  ‘I am not an aristo,’ she wailed. ‘Truly!’

  The chain held her wrists between her widely splayed thighs. It was tightly held and the merest fraction of a movement cause it to chafe between her sex lips.

  ‘I am a paysan, like you!’ she added. She tried to shift her stance but the links of the chain rubbed over her nubbin, causing it to become painfully erect. They rubbed her rear bud.

  ‘Lies! The evidence is against you,’ he hissed, thrusting his face against the bars. ‘You lived in the king’s palace and an English aristo’s manor house.’

  The chain chafed again between her sex. She felt the swirling of pleasure in her belly and Lord Albert’s face swam before her fevered eyes. She moaned.

  The guard threw back his head, laughing hugely at her plight. ‘You were one of the palace whores,’ he said, his grin fading to a grimace of hatred. ‘Our informant gave us all the details.’

  ‘Who? Who is your informant?’ As she lifted her head to stare at him through the bars, the chain chafed again and drove deeper into her bottom cleft.

  Her ankles were held wide apart by a rigid iron bar and the chain that was slung between her spread thighs was also fastened about her waist, nipping it painfully. It travelled up between the deep valley of her breasts to her throat.

  The guard tapped his nose knowingly. ‘That would be telling, little mistress.’ He looked hungrily at her breasts, and looked down at the knife he used to pick his stained teeth.

  There was no escape. She was naked, chained, vulnerable. He lifted one of her breasts with the flat of the blade. The metal felt cold against her flesh. The chill made her nipples become sharply erect, painful about the gold rings which pierced them.